Kat Scrambler

Pronouns: She/Her
Birthday: April 26
Age: Very Early 30s
Occupation: Anything

Kat is considered an outstanding citizen, typically willing to drop everything to help the people she loves. Since the death of Lalit, she overexerts herself to pay for her boyfriend's medical bills, lowering her quality of life tremendously.

Kat and Lalit were a very lovey dovey couple, rarely anyone in town saw them apart, and after a freak accident that led to Lalit's death, she is told that his comeuppance meter is permanently leaned on it's sinister side, essentially meaning that the medical staff refused to help or send supplies their way as they thought it would be futile. Like many others, Kat stumbled across an ad for Siksagone's new project. Desperate to bring back her partner, she brings him to Van and Lalit is alive again until he starts deteriorating. A repetitive schedule begins, always having to bring Lalit back to Van to hear whatever 'solution' she comes up with in the spur of the moment. None of what she says changes the outcome, but she doesn't want to quit the progress she's made with Lalit.

In earlier episodes, she is treated as a gag by the surrounding cast, only showing up for a bit to bring in Lalit for an appointment and to argue with Van. It's only until the second (and last) Valentine's day special when she and her partner are given the time to express their grief. This is also a shifting point within the show, the townspeople begin questioning Van’s product and her actions towards them.