Jeremy Aloe

(Jeremiah, Jermaine, any alteration of "Jeremy" is fine.)

Pronouns: He/They
Birthday: January 3
Age: Very Early 30s
Occupation: Graveyard Janitor

Jeremy is a reserved individual, has EDMD, and is a bit of a pushover on occasion. He spends his time either working at his local cemetery, taking care of his brother, or going on the interwebz to talk to his best friend, Dawtsin. They also love hoarding rare collective novelties, treasuring them like a Magpie would. He would prefer that his days run in a perfect self sufficient cycle but there are too many roadblocks to get through.

Jermaine is a bit busy, his brother Lars goes through a rough divorce and is spiraling, and Jeremy lets him live with him and Jamie while he picks himself up in turn for some of his funds to pay for necessities and his treatment. During the night, Jamie would steal his keys and break into the cemetery to bring supplies into her job, Jeremy eventually catches her in the act and is forced to be quiet about it. At some point, his sister asks him to help Van out. Having worked at the graveyard for as long as he can remember, Jeremy has become quite the expert in the field of... mortuary cosmetology, so he reluctantly agrees to help after seeing the conditions that Van leaves her patients in. Jeremiah decided to quit assisting them not long after joining, and he wishes he never participated in these activities in the first place. On his 32nd birthday he saved up enough money to move out of Burbox and into Shrillard to live with Dawtsin, a country with infrastructure built out of mud and clay.

Jermaine gets quite a few episodes about him. Outside of the short saga they have with Jamie and Van, he is usually shown doing the busywork he's left with when he's left to his own devices. Most of his episodes are supposed to be a breath of air from the usual activities that Mabuz and Van do. He also gets one out of the two Valentine's day episodes with Dawtsin. Fun!